This site,, is our main base of operations and the primary HFME website. This site features all of HFME’s papers and downloads and other features.
This primary site also links to the following other minor sites:
A collection of all HFME’s original advocacy videos.
A store where you can buy shirts, mugs and stickers etc. featuring the HFME logo. Part proceeds from Cafepress sales benefit the work of the HFME.
A list of recommended books for patients and doctors. If you support the aims of the HFME please give this list a positive rating.
The HFME e-newsletter is a free plain-text email newsletter sent out monthly. Click here for information on signing up for the newsletter.
The HFME support and chat group for M.E. patients
This is a group (run by Jodi Bassett) where people with the organic neurological, cardiac, immune and neuroendocrine illness Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (classified at G93.3 by the World Health Organisation) can meet other people with the same illness for advice, support and new friendships. M.E. carers are also welcome. This is also a group that cares about challenging the myths about 'CFS' and ME and isn't prepared to accept how things are now; where people with ME are abused/neglected etc. We know that knowledge is power and that debunking these myths is really important. Please read the group's homepage fully before you join, please. This group also contains a penpals section. (Conditions apply to membership of this group.)
The HFME support and chat group for severely affected M.E. patients
This group is run in the same way as the main support group, but is restricted to severely affected patients. Please read the group's homepage fully before you join. (Restrictions and conditions apply to membership of this group.)
The HFME discussion group
This is an unlisted group is for those who want to play a part in the setting up of HFME, and participate in various HFME projects and discussions of projects. Please contact Jodi Bassett for more information. (Conditions apply to membership of this group.)
Note that the ‘A Hummingbirds’ Guide’ website is now a personal website for Jodi Bassett.
Note too that much of the information on healing, diet and nutrition that was on HFME is now hosted on the new Health, Healing & Hummingbird website, created by Jodi Bassett.
Research topics:
Article topics:
Highly recommended authors:
More authors:
Highly recommended M.E. groups:
A Million Stories Untold and So you know someone with M.E.?
Hospital or carer notes for M.E.
Why patients with severe M.E. are housebound and bedbound
Comments on the 'Lightning Process' (etc.) scam
M.E. advocacy and 'CFS' advocacy are not the same
My comments about the current (worrying) state of Australian ME societies